When did you join Best Reception and why did you choose
Best Reception?
I joined Best Reception in early 2019 as a Trainee Receptionist. At the time, I did not know much about what a call handling service was, but after doing some research and attending the interview, I realised this was much more than a receptionist role. At Best Reception, we take calls for lots of different sectors, every day is different and we genuinely
feel like we’re making a difference and helping people get the most out of their businesses.

What is your role and what responsibilities do you have?
My role at Best Reception is varied and involves different responsibilities day to day. The first role I had was as a Best Receptionist for our clients, this includes knowing all clients inside out, managing their diaries and helping their customers have the best experience they can. Everyone at Best Reception is taught every client before they can take on any further responsibilities as we feel this helps us understand our clients’ needs and our business as a whole.
I’m also one of the trainers here, that means I train new starters from day one, and also help more experienced staff learn newer clients. I also mentor new trainers who are joining the training team. We are always expanding our team here and like to make sure newer staff feel as up to date and supported as the more experienced receptionists.
In addition to my training duties, I’m also the Head of Quality Management. In this role, I liaise with clients and the infrastructure team to ensure any improvements needed are made to scripts or to our training process, and monitor quality on calls to ensure our clients always receive the highest quality of service we strive for.
The newest addition to my role is heading up the marketing team at Best Reception. In this department, I oversee the running of events in the office, for social and charitable events, and am responsible for updating our social media (give us a follow!) and our website blog.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I can start a day with a training session with one of our trainees, introducing them to new clients, and answering any queries they have. We aim to have a session with each of our trainees once a week at least, making sure they get one on one time to improve and develop their skills. We recently achieved our Investors in People accreditation and feel it’s really important to ensure people feel supported in their roles.
After this, it’s usually our 9 am rush where the entire team focuses purely on answering our clients’ calls, this can range from taking messages and patching to handling booking diaries and taking payments. I’ll usually spend some time mid-morning catching up on emails, and reviewing any questions sent in by clients and raise these with management and colleagues if needed.
I’ll spend some time in the afternoon producing content for our website, and meeting with our marketing team about ideas for future posts and campaigns. I’m also usually reviewing message quality and preparing reports to feedback to colleagues for their quarterly review meetings with their line managers.
What is your favourite part about your role?
If you could give one piece of advice for someone who is looking to further their career what would that be?
I would say always express your interest in something if you want to go onto a certain path. I found that my managers were quick to support and mentor me in the new skills I needed.
I’d also say speak up and offer your opinion, I think good managers are always looking for ways to improve, and embrace change.
We are always looking for new applicants here at Best Reception and as with everyone this starts with becoming a trainee receptionist. If you are looking for a career change, a new challenge or the opportunity to shape your own career through your ability and passion then please do not hesitate to contact us with your CV.